Christian Counseling and Teaching

Wisdom for Living

Al Rosenblum Ministries

Our mission is to help Christians understand the biblical truths and supernatural abilities that God’s grace has made available to all believers in Christ, after salvation, through the ministry of the indwelling Holy Spirit, enabling us to transform our beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors to be like Christ.

What is God’s plan for us, and how does it work between the moment we are saved by believing that Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins, was buried and raised from the dead to defeat death itself, and the moment we die physically?

We offer Wisdom for Living to Christians through bible teaching videos, written articles, and counseling either in person for locals or through ZOOM for those living at a distance.

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Transformation Counseling

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God”. Romans 12:2

We enter into every situation with certain beliefs or expectations. Those beliefs and expectations directly influence the way we interpret our experiences and how we feel about an event or person. Here’s an example: Suppose a hundred airplane passengers are unexpectedly given parachutes and instructed to jump from the plane. If a physical situation alone could cause emotions, then all the hundred people would feel the same way. But obviously those who regard skydiving positively are going to have a [reaction] very different from the others.

In other words, our beliefs and expectations about a person or event or situation directly influence and, many would argue, cause our feelings. The truth is, what other people say or do are never the cause of our own feelings — we cause them ourselves by what we choose to believe and think. The goal of the Christian life is to exchange our worldly ideas with biblical thoughts to think like Christ so that we can experience peace, contentment and joy.

Our own thinking being the cause of our feelings turns out to be great news, because that means that we have control of our feelings, much like we have control over other choices we make in our life. That also means that transforming our beliefs so that they align with the mind of God as revealed in His Word will allow us to overcome those beliefs that cause pain or distress in life. That’s the goal of Transformation Counseling.